I hope everyone is having a super scary Halloween! Check out this spooky house in my neighborhood!
We're off to the next house to score some more treats! Have a safe night.
Toodles for now!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
ATC: 12 Days of Christmas and Patti's Fab Kit
"Baby it's cold...INSIDE!" I broke down last night and turned the heat on in my house. Well, at least I thought I was turning it on. I awoke this morning and could almost see my breath! Little did I know that my husband (Mr. Thrifty) had turned off the gas months ago! So, I've been freezing while working on my 12 Days of Christmas ATCs . I actually had them completed, but I ruined them all when I sprayed some sealer on them. I had no idea that this would smear my beautiful first attempt at proper stamping! The cards would actually be pretty cool for a Halloween or scary swap, but for Christmas, no. So, I've had to start all over! Here are three of my - work in progress - cards:
When Wendy told me that I would be responsible for the "First Day" or "A Patridge in a Pear Tree," I figured it would be easy to come up with an idea. I was dead wrong. I actually wish I would have had some sort of kit to help me come up with some ideas...like Patti's kit. Check out the kit she has put together for creating ATCs on her blog, Treasure Barn. She is also having a giveaway for one of them. Hey Patti, do you have a Christmas kit?
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Treasure Barn ATC Kit |
I'm off to finish my ATCs. Have a great weekend!
Toodles for now!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday Wonderisms..How Do You Do That?
Happy blustery Wednesday. I meant to post my Wonderisms earlier, but I've been stuck at work and I have yet to figure out how to "auto" post. I mean, I know that if I write my post and save it as a draft, I can actually auto post it at whatever time I choose...right? Anyone that can help a sister out...give me a shout! Okay, let's get to it. Today I am wondering:
1. How did I survive my childhood? I mean, really. When you think back to your childhood and teen years, do you wonder how you rode in your mom's car, and survived, without wearing a seatbelt? Now, you wouldn't drive or ride one block without it on would you? You wouldn't go a block without your cell phone either, right? How did we survive without cell phones?
When I think back to the things I did and experienced as a child, teen, and young adult, I wonder how on earth I survived. I also wonder how my mom never went crazy with worry.
2. Let me preface my second wonderism with this: I will not use my blog as any sort of political platform. That said, I am not inclined to believe in climate change or global warming..or whatever the current verbiage is. But, the truth is, inconvenient or otherwise, the weather is just COLD...and weird the last few days! I don't really think this means anything, but I wonder why there are tornadoes in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, while it is snowing in Minnesota and where I am it is just plain cold and windy! I guess the real question..or wonder is...why don't I live in the land of perfect weather..otherwise known as San Diego?
Thanks to those participating in Wednesday Wonderisms! It's fun isn't it?
Finally, here is a picture of my new / old desk. Finally, it is out of my car and in my garage and there are no camping supplies in site! Now, I just need to decide if I should paint or stain it. Any suggestions?
Thanks to everyone who "came" to my first tea party. I've "met" a lot of neat new blogger friends. So, thanks to Anna for hosting. I'll tell you, those ladies sure know how to do Halloween!
Toodles for now!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
A Tea Party Under a Halloween Moon
1. I am on a diet (save for my hidden-extra-Lion bar), so pastries are not allowed. Boo hiss.
2. I do not have any fine china.
3. I sustained a fairly painful hand injury during my outside Halloween decorating attempt. Really.
All this said, I still threw my tea party with one super special guest, my littlest daughter, Charlotte, who attended in her finest costume yet, a black and pink butterfly princess.
Our tea consisted of fruit gushers and Oreos (double stuffed) for Charlotte while I enjoyed (not really) a Kashi bar. Charlotte decided on the water while I selected the combination white ayurvedic chai and Samurai chai mate tea (from Teavana - love it!). We used Charlotte's fine china...a la Toys R Us. Awesome.
I'm sorry to say that I'm not great at seasonal decorating. This year, I decided to give it a go with the "straw" family my husband bought a few years. The family has seen better days, but I thought, "what the hey (or straw)," I'll put them by one of the River Birches in our front yard. Well, I got them positioned and just after receiving a "good job, I knew you had in you" from my husband, the daddy straw man fell over. As I attempted to reposition his head, he attacked me. I sustained a stab wound to my right palm. Here is the family; if you look closely, you may be able to see the BLOOD that dripped from my hand as I lovingly hammered the heads into the earth!
Even the plastic china, the Kashi bar, and the gaping hole in my hand...my first tea party was a success...for one reason....Charlotte. Her smile, Oreos stuck in her teeth and all, made it a big hit!
Now, if you want to see some real Halloween Tea Party pros, click over to Anna's place. You won't regret it!
Toodles for now!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Studio Project
Happy Friday! First, the good news: My brand new / old $10.00 Goodwill desk is now OUT of the back of my 'what is she trying to prove by driving such a big' SUV! Now, the bad news: my husband covered it with a large moving blanket and has placed all his camping stuff on it. He claims this is temporary. He said he just needs a spot for his stuff since he has taken our his canoe and jon boat to storage. The boats were stacked in the garage and housed the camping gear. Anyway, Doug said the gear will be gone and I will get my desk, which is in remarkably good shape. It needs a bit of sanding on one of the edges and there is a small-ish chunk of wood missing from one of the drawer faces. I haven't decided what I'm going to do, but I will probably just sand it down a bit and put one or two coats of protectant on it. I'm pretty sure the desk is completely made from real wood. I am not sure I'd be able to paint it if it is all hardwood. I'm having a hard enough time tearing pages from $1.00 books, you think I can paint oak?
This desk is big. I'm going to have to do some rearranging...and I'll probably have to remove some furniture from my studio to make room. Here are some pictures of my studio as it is right now:
View looking in from door. |
Desk and sewing cabinet (& hideous chair) If you look closely, you can see my Hepburn Coat pattern out. |
Storage cabinet & bins. For sewing notions and stuff. |
2 Person (or one large party) chair & tall storage cabinet (for fabric) |
I've used all vintage furniture and decor in my room, with the exception of the red couch and ottoman, which is what is probably going to have to go. At least the ottoman. I really love it, but I think the desk is going to be much more practical, even though the ottoman does open up for storage. The desk, which I also love, and the sewing machine cabinet / cutting table by the desk, will also be going. The sewing machine cabinet actually opens up in like a L shape, but it is too hard to manuever, especially on the carpet, to be more practical than my big NEW DESK.
I've meddled with my header again. What do you think of this one? I really love the middle picture and want to use it in whatever header I eventually stick with. I just think it's great, but do you think it matches up with the rest of the pictures? Let me know what you think. It mean a lot to me. Thanks.
Gotta run (not literally of course), it's movie night!
Toodles for now!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday Wonderisms
1. Why are gray hairs a different texture than my normal hair? My hair is pretty dark brown, it is also really thick (almost Chia Pet like at the moment; I need a haircut). I'm starting to notice a few making their wild and wirery appearance...NOT HAPPY.
2. After all these years, I wonder if Jenny has the same number: 867-5309? Hmm.
3. What was God was thinking about when he made this:
I am so excited to show you some of the great stuff I came across this past weekend. My husband and I spent Friday in a nearby college town and we both struck gold in one way or another. He found gold in the form of books and I found my little slice of heaven in two of my absolute favorite stores. First, in my fave fabric store, I found this Alexander Henry fabric:
Aren't the owls adorable? I purchased the dotted fabric as well. My plan is to make a bag for my laptop with this...I can't wait to get started! My next heavenly find was in another favorite store that carries all things English, including my favorite chocolate bar:
Of course, this little bar of yumminess costs about triple what they cost in England, but it is sooo worth it. Trust me.
As for flea market stuff, I found an awesome desk/worktable at a Goodwill Store. It was half price and only cost me $10.00! Unfortunately, I can't show you a picture right now as it is still inside my SUV! I believe it is real wood and is just perfect for my studio. I want to sand it a bit and clean it up before using it. Heck, I might even paint it. I will keep you posted and will definitely show pictures of how it turns out! Here are my other flea market finds from the weekend:
Dresser Scarf |
Dresser Scarf Detail |
Like a Glove...Oh Jackie O. |
Toodles for now!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Do You Think I'm Spooky?
It's time for DARK ATCs! First, here is the gorgeous (can you say that if, at the same time, it is creepy?) card my Blissfull ATC Swap partner, Leila, sent me.
As a bonus goodie, Leila also gave me this present:
This is a digital collage she made. It is awesome. Thanks so much Leila! I feel so honored that she made this and gave it to me.
I'm sure Leila will be posting the card I made and sent to her on her blog, but here is a sneak peak.
I printed a small (super small) portion of the the right panel from Hieronymous Bosch's Garden Of Earthly Delights. The right panel is actually called, Hell. The entire artwork is actually an alterpiece Bosch painted beginning around 1504. He completed the right panel (Hell) in 1510. I ModPodged Hell to a piece of cardstock and then sprinkled some black glitter on top. I edged the top and the bottom in black lace and affixed a cross to the top middle. When I first saw the theme for October, I knew I would use a portion of this work of art. I guess I figured, "what is darker than hell?" On a sidenote, I was a little worried that my partner (and other swappers) might think me a little too "out there" with this one, but I'm happy to say I'm not alone out there...these Dark ATCs are all creepy and DARK!
Before I go, I want you to go over to Sammy's blog, English Country Garden In Bags, to check out her new eStore and enter her very first blog giveaway...here's a hint..it involves cupcakes!
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Samya's Blog Giveaway |
One last thing...any X-Filers out there? You will then no doubt know who said, Do you think I'm spooky?"
I'll see you back here tomorrow for Wednesday Wonderisms and hopefully some photos of my flea market finds from the weekend!
Toodles for now!
Oh, and for the record, I DO NOT believe there is glitter in hell..
Monday, October 18, 2010
7 Years! Time Flies When You're Married to Your BFF!
Happy 7Years of wedding bliss! Well, that's mushy isn't it? My hubby and I spent this past weekend celebrating our 7 year wedding anniversary. We spent our entire three day weekend hanging out and trying to get stuff done at home. We managed to slip away for an awesome dinner out, too. This is a very rare thing...we normally have our 5 1/2 year old in tow! I chose the above picture to post as it was taken last summer outside Charleston, S.C. (at Angel Oak) and was one of the best vacations ever. I also decided on this photo because it pretty much says who we are. I mean I look pretty serious, which I guess I am most of the time. Some would call this "boring." I wouldn't, but hey. On the other hand, Doug (or "Dougster") looks fun and carefree...which, he is..most of the time. He is actually a very postive, upbeat person. In my line of work, this attitude helps, although, admittedly, I don't tell him about most things I see on the job. I think he just knows when I've reached my limit and he is always just there for me. He is a great husband and a great daddy!
Photo credit goes to our daughter, Charlotte...you can probably tell she is quite a bit shorter than us...but she is a super photographer isn't she?!
NOTE: Yes, this is the second picture I've posted of me wearing those sunglasses...unfortunately they broke last week! I immediately went into a "level 9 meltdown," and haven't fully recovered. They were (are) my faves.
NOTE: Yes, this is the second picture I've posted of me wearing those sunglasses...unfortunately they broke last week! I immediately went into a "level 9 meltdown," and haven't fully recovered. They were (are) my faves.
I can't wait to post the pictures of the great stuff I found during our Flea Market extravaganza! I found a terrific desk to put in my studio, a beautiful dresser scarf, and a pair of white gloves, a la Jackie O. I found the gloves and immediately thought they would look awesome with my Hepburn coat. Speaking of the coat, I made a lot of progress this weekend, however I am sure I've gone wrong somewhere. I pretty sure the mistake is somewhere in the facing department. Here are some pictures:
I managed to sew the darts, which, I think, actually turned out okay, but the collar is, frankley, stupid looking. When I tried it on and looked it the mirror, it reminded me of something...I couldn't quite put my finger on what, but tell me what you think:
I hope you have a look at the "Dark" ATC cards making their way onto the blogs. You can see all the participants at Blissfull ATC Swap. When I recieve Leila's card, I will post it. She'll then post the card I sent her. Of all I've seen so far, they are all pretty creepy!
P.S. I walked through two invisible spiderwebs today and I'm still itching!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Is That What is Called a Senior Moment?
Happy Saturday! I just wanted to pop in and show off my completed Discovering Myself Journal!! I've really had a great time working on this project, a first of a kind for me. Bonnie's blog is so gorgeous and her designs are beautiful. I'd love to learn how she creates her digital designs! That's her next class maybe? Anyway, while I didn't think I really needed to discover myself, and I don't feel I was lost and had find myself, completing some of the pages did force me to think about different parts of me and my personality: The Good, The Bad, and The Down Right Ugly. Also, just the physical aspect of creating the pages has really made me see and appreciate (even more) all you paper/mixed media artists out there! That said, here are the rest of my journal pages:
Front Cover |
I Am Beautiful |
My Quirks |
My Life Motto |
Back Cover |
I've also changed up a few of the first couple of pages. If you'd like to see the entire project, click on Journals page on my side bar!
I think I had a "senior moment" when I came up with the name for the Wednesday Wonderisms project. I had Wednesday and Wonderisms reversed. I have no explaination for this other than I guess my mind works in reverse (some would say backwords) sometimes?? Anyway, I've corrected it and made a grab-able button for anyone who wants to play every Wednesday. You can just grab it off my side bar.
Okay, I'm off to work on my Hepburn coat. I have vowed to complete it this weekend!
Toodles for now!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wonderisms Wednesdays
Happy Humpday; otherwise known as Wednesday. In my blog travels, I've notice Bloggers celebrate, for lack of a better word, Wednesdays as "Wordless," WOYW (What's On Your Workdesk)," "Outdoor Wednesday," and more. These are all great and I've read and commented on many. I think having a day dedicated to something, maybe even unrelated to your specific blog is kind of cool. And, frankley, it is sometimes hard to think of something specific to sewing to write about every other day. I've also bored myself, so, with this all in mind, I introduce (drumroll): Wonderisms Wednesday!
I've actually been trying to come up with something for sometime now. I've wondered about doing a "Wayback Wednesdays," a "Wal-Mart Wednesdays," "Whycome Wednesdays," (I know several people who actually think whycome is a real word), and even a "WTF Wednesday," but thought better about that one. So, since I wondered about these and I find myself wondering about a lot of things lately, I decided to go with Wonderisms. Sound fun? Play along if you'd like...I'll make the above picture grab-able before next Wednesday. I have wondered about three particular things today. I wonder:
1. How is it that I can tangle myself up in invisible spider webs when I'm not anywhere near anything the webs could be attached to?
2. Why Hootie can't go back to the Blowfishes. I can't dig the country music. Is blowfishes a word?
3. Do I really look like this? My daughter's drawing of me. Actually, I'm in awe (or wonder) of kids...especially my littlest daughter. She gives me presents like this everyday. It's great isn't it?
As I mentioned, Wednesdays are commonly referred to as "Humpday," or the middle of the week. Well, Tuesday is really my Humpday. That means tomorrow, Thursday, is my Friday. Follow? I've got a few projects I need to finish this weekend...first, my Discovering Myself Journal. I've got to answer: "I am beautiful" and "My Quirks." I'm a little stumped on the first. Bonnie says to answer honestly..."what are your best physical attributes?"..I'll probably go with My Hair, although I am convinced it is a magnet for the aformentioned spider webs. Maybe it has something to do with the amount of hair product I use??? Anyway, two pages to go and I'll be Discovered!
As for sewing this weekend, I plan to work on my Hepburn coat. I have managed to cut out the pieces for my Hepburn coat. The pattern is from Simplicity and there are only 5 pieces. The big thing I've noticed about the vintage pattern is that the tissue seems a bit heavier weight than pattern tissue nowadays. This pattern states it is "Simple," but I'll be the judge! I'll keep you posted!
One more thing to look for this coming weekend: The October Blissfull ATC Swap cards will begin to appear on the participants' blogs. I finished mine and sent it to my swap partner, Leila from Artsy Creations By Leila. Leila is a terrific artist and I am super excited to recieve the card she has made! She is actually having a giveaway for a pendant she made, so pop over to her blog and check it out! Just a reminder, the theme for October is "Dark." Be prepared for some creepy cards, I'm sure! Until next time, toodles!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Art Journals, Jewelry, and Hepburn, Oh My!
Good Sunday night! I hope you all have had a fabulous weekend. It has been a wonderfully warm few days, but, alas, I believe this weather will begin to turn cooler sometime during the overnight hours tonight. The good news here...terrific sleeping weather!
The weekend has been really busy for me, but I managed to squeeze in some time to catch up with Bonnie on my Discovering Myself Journal. Have a look at these 4 pages and let me know what you think.
I'm sorry for the less than terrific photos. I took these with the camera on my phone, which, actually works fairly well, but the light was horrid in the room and I just could not adjust what light I had and/or the flash on the phone. I think there are 3 or 4 more pages to go and I should really know myself!
On Friday, before getting to watch my littlest daughter ride on her Daisy float in the Homecoming Parade, I received the Halloween bracelet in the mail that I won from Amy at RubyMoon Art. The bracelet she made is super cool, but look at the container she sent it in. It is really neat.
Cool huh? I managed to complete one more art/craft related activity just before the "beep beep beep" of my pager rang out...I finally purchased the fabric for my coat I'm making for the Hepburn Hepburn Project hosted at Rhinestones and Telephones. I decided on doing the "simple" coat: vintage Simplicity 5301.
Again, this photo sucks, but trust me..the fabric is pretty nice. It is more on the green side of khaki than the tan. It is a semi heavy cotton/poly blend of some sort. I was excited to begin to cut out the pieces and get started on this project, but I could not ignore the beep. Maybe I'll be able to start cutting this week?? Hope so!
Toodles for now!
Cool huh? I managed to complete one more art/craft related activity just before the "beep beep beep" of my pager rang out...I finally purchased the fabric for my coat I'm making for the Hepburn Hepburn Project hosted at Rhinestones and Telephones. I decided on doing the "simple" coat: vintage Simplicity 5301.
Again, this photo sucks, but trust me..the fabric is pretty nice. It is more on the green side of khaki than the tan. It is a semi heavy cotton/poly blend of some sort. I was excited to begin to cut out the pieces and get started on this project, but I could not ignore the beep. Maybe I'll be able to start cutting this week?? Hope so!
Toodles for now!
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