About Me

My Two Beautiful Daughters and Me

I'm so glad you find your way to my blog!  I started this blog over a year ago as a way to document my sewing journey.  While my true love remains sewing, this blog journey has led me to discover, and fall in love with, mixed media and "non-traditional" fiber arts!  So, I blog about sewing, art, family, and whatever I feel like!  That's what so cool about having your own blog!  Come along with me as I continue my journey...it's going to be a lot of fun!

I'm married to my best friend and have two gorgeous daughters.  I also have two beautiful step daughters.  I'm mom to two fur babies, a super cute Cairn Terrier named, Wallace, and a cat named, Francis.  We live a crazy, busy, and beautiful life in America's heartland!

You can email me at sewloquacious@gmail.com.  I'd love to hear from you!
