In my last post I told you I celebrated ( celebrated may be a stretch) my birthday a couple of weeks ago. While I haven't really been struggling with this birthday, I have reflected on being older and how I have experienced a few of the perks of being of a certain age now. For example, I got a new knee this year. Also, a few days after my birthday, I got one of those "age" moles removed. Pleasant thought, I know. Well, yesterday, as I was sitting in my house which was a balmy 85 degrees, drinking a cup of coffee, I realized this: yes, I am indeed old. Only old people drink coffee when it is super hot right?! As I sat there sweating, I began to laugh at myself. Another sign? Laughing did make me feel a bit better. I really felt better, however, when the repairman finally arrived and fixed the air conditioning!
Another thing that made me feel better was that I finished the quilt for my sister. Her birthday is Sunday when, once again, she will be older than me! I started this quilt after finishing the Friendship Star - Disappearing Nine Patch table topper I made for a Mother's Day gift. I selected the fabrics completely myself. This is the hardest part for me! I think I know colors, but deciding if patterns coordinate is difficult. I picked the focus fabric first and then picked out a dark, a light, and then two neutrals.
I'm not sure what the block is called. I saw it first at Red Pepper Quilts. Rita called her quilt the Lifesaver. Basically, it is a nine patch using two fabrics and half square triangles at each corner. It was pretty easy and fun to make!
I quilted it with straight lines that run diagonally across the quilt. The lines intersect in the center of each block center. I folded the backing fabric to the front for the binding. This time I "mitered" the corners.
Sissy's Quilt 58" X 58" |
Happy Birthday to my big sister!
One last thing...I won five fat quarters playing Mystery Mondays at Annie's Ruby Slipperz! The parcel arrived yesterday and can't tell you how excited I am to start my next project with the fabric! They are absolutely gorgeous!

Age creeps up on us, doesn't it?! I remember when I was younger thinking that I wouldn't be as boring as my parents were at my current age. I would definitely still be wearing fashionable clothes and my hectic social life would continue to thrive. Now I value comfort over fashion in my clothes (especially when it comes to shoes) and I love quiet evenings at home!!!
Beautiful quilt - sure your sister will love it.
Pretty, pretty colors and pattern for your sister. You are definitely not old, even if you do drink coffee in the heat. I am not old at 56, my husband is not old at 67, he rode his bike 20 miles yesterday. Old is a state of mind, so get that idea out of your head!!!!!! I laughed because hubby said I was talking to this old guy, must have been in his 70's, and I looked at him and said are you kidding????? xox
Happy birthday to you, and to your sister! May this year be better than any previous, but not as good as the ones to come!
Your quilt is beautiful: I love the design!
Since I probably missed it - may I wish you a Belated Happy Birthday. Just remember your not getting older your getting better. Just like fine wine.
Your new quilt is awesome. You did a wonderful job picking out your colors.
Your new quilt is so pretty! Good job! And, I totally know what you mean about getting's sort of freaking me out these days too. But, it's okay, we both have a lot of good years left. ;)
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