Friday, May 16, 2014

A First Dresdan

Wow.  Has it really been nearly six months since I wrote a blog post?!  Yes, it has been that long!  I have no good excuses...just life.  I've been a busy lady of late.  Besides working my real job, I've been busy creating a few quilts, too.  I also made the cute little Dresdan Plate in the photo above.  I'm playing around with Petal Pinwheels  fabric in order to compete in Michael Miller's 2014 Fabric Challenge hosted by The Modern Quilt Guild.  It's funny.  My last post (yeah, the one in November) dealt with another Fabric Challenge.  That one was also hosted by The Modern Quilt Guild, but the fabric was from Riley Blake.  Unfortunately, I didn't win that challenge, but I did get a lot of great feedback from the other participants.  I'm not confident I will win this Challenge either, but it's fun participating and I love just seeing all the creative projects everyone comes up with!

Gosh, I feel like I've grown leaps and bounds about quilts and quilting in the last several months.  Honestly, I don't think I would have attempted sewing a Dresdan Plate six months ago.  I just thought it was too hard!  I've learned so much just by doing.  I've also done a lot of reading as well as watching online tutorials.  I bet you have heard of Jenny Doan from the Missouri Star Quilt Company!  I'm pretty sure I've watched every You Tube video she's made!  A few months ago I even got to meet her in person!  My local quilt shop hosted a trunk show she presented.  It was neat getting to see some of the quilts she's made online in person. They are very nice and she is too!  

At the beginning of April, Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild held a Showcase at the Kansas City Star Pavillion.  I entered two quilts.  The first was my very first "modern" quilt and the second was this one:

Candy Dishes Quilt
Here are a few of the other quilts I've finished in the last couple of months.  Excuse the terrible photography. I'm currently working on getting a better camera.  

Double Slice Layer Cake Quilt
Karma Police Quilt (top)
It feels great writing this post.  I've missed this so much.  I pledge to get back online and share more of my recent projects and thoughts on this quilt journey I've been on this past year.  I hope you hang in here with me.  Thanks.  Talk to you again soon!



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Heather said...

so glad to see a post!!!! I miss reading your blog!!!


Anonymous said...

Just catching up after a week away and believe it or not, was thinking of you on the plane ride and wondering where you've been and here you are! Don't stay away so long next time. xox

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