It seems summer may actually be over. There is a definite chill in the air this morning and football season officially kicks off this afternoon! That means making a pot of chili, curling up together on the couch and watching the Chiefs lose play. I love summer, but, if I'm honest, this summer has been brutally hot and dry. Sleeping with the windows open and getting to snuggle up under the bed covers is a real relief. It's also a great relief on our air conditioner...and the a/c bill!
Don't get me wrong, this summer has been great. My family and I have taken a few great trips and gotten to spend quality time together. We've biked, golfed, gone fishing and done a lot of swimming!
Summer being over also means "back to normal." Back to school, homework, 8:30 bedtime, and routine. Another definite need in my family. Personally, I'm feeling more normal, too. It has been nearly one year since my total knee replacement surgery. Time flies, huh? They said it would take a year (or so) to feel like the surgery was worth it. They were right. My knee is feeling great! I've got a lot of the flexibility back and the joint is feeling less mechanical and more like a normal knee!
I'm looking forward to cooler weather now and getting back in my sewing room. I've completed a few projects in between summer activities, including sewing two dresses for my oldest daughter and a skirt for my youngest. The lessons I learned from this dressmaking will be the subject of my next post! Here is a sneak peak at a few of my latest projects.
I'm looking forward to cooler weather now and getting back in my sewing room. I've completed a few projects in between summer activities, including sewing two dresses for my oldest daughter and a skirt for my youngest. The lessons I learned from this dressmaking will be the subject of my next post! Here is a sneak peak at a few of my latest projects.
I am super excited about my quilting projects I am planning. I have the fabrics for two of them and am in the planning stages for what I want to do with them. I can't wait to show you!
Have a fabulous fallish Sunday! I've got to start on the chili! Tootles for now!
Have a fabulous fallish Sunday! I've got to start on the chili! Tootles for now!

Nice clothes making. Oh you are brave. Also really nice family pics. You DID have a brutally hot summer, ours was hotter than normal too and yes I won't mind not paying for AC. Quite cool here today. I even closed windows.....xox
it is cool here today too but I don't mind. I don't ache as much in this weather like I do in the super hot or super cold. I am thankful that summer is over as it was such a hot, hot, hot summer. I love fall! Good luck with your new sewing projects. i don't have one right now but I will shortly!
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