Saturday, December 4, 2010

12 Days of Christmas, Treasure Barn ATC, a Yo Yo, and A Wallet

It is indeed Christmas at my house.  I received the 12 Days of Christmas ATCs from Wendy!  If you remember, I signed up a few months ago to participate in this ATC Swap and my assignment was to create 12 "A Patridge in a Pear Tree" ATCs.  I made my cards and sent them to Wendy as did the other 11 artists.  (I love saying, artists)  Wendy sort of made an accordian-like book out of the cards and packaged them in a beautiful box.  I've decided to celebrate how awesome these cards are by showing one each day.  I know, I know, the 12 Days of Christmas don't actually begin until Christmas Day, but I cannot wait!  So, let's go!

2 Turtledoves by Blanche

3 French Hens by Debbie

4 Calling Birds by Francie
You can see mine here.  I'll post 5 thru 12 in the coming days!  They are all awesome!  Come back and see!

As promised, here is the ATC I sent DeeDee for November's Treasure Barn Swap:

I combined a sort of Thanksgiving theme along with a personal touch with the little Sioux girl as DeeDee grew up in Sioux City, Iowa!  I hope she liked it!

Two more things to show you this Saturday night.  First, behold, my very first yo-yo! 

A big shout out goes to Bonnie for this flower.  I've actually wanted to make yo-yos forever, but didn't realize just how easy they are until I watched Bonnie's video!  Thanks Bonnie!

Last, but not least, here is my first card wallet made with the Valori Wells pattern.  Remember to SIGN UP and you can win the pattern! 

I should have inserted a few cards before taking the picture so you could see the pockets a bit better, but you get the idea right? Anyway, the pattern was pretty easy to follow and this didn't take long to put together.  I used alphabet stamps and fabric ink to stamp "Yum" and I drew the frog with fabric markers.  I glued the googly eyes and sewed the tiny (extremely, annoyingly small) black beads on to represent a fly. What do you think? 

Have a fantastic weekend!



  1. Gorgeous! And I love the card wallet! GREAT blog!!! Happy Holidays:c)

  2. The yoyo is so cute-love the little bit of lace!!

  3. Hi angela, love your yo-yo! i haven't tried them yet, been to obcessed with the crochet flowers!! but I have finally got the hang of them!
    I love your wallet too. well done!

  4. Angela, your ATC 12 Days of Christmas cards are wonderful. I never realized until just now that the first seven days of the 12 days have birds in them....well, except for day 5! LOL! I love everyone's interpretations of their day and can't wait to see the rest.

    Aren't yo-yo's fun? I have a little box of fabric and needle and thread that I take along with me to dr. appointments or anywhere that I'm gonna have to wait. I make up yo-yo's while I'm sitting there. One of these days I'm actually gonna make something with them!

    Oh, and your little wallet turned out so the froggie you drew and the beads for the "fly" was a great idea!



  5. Angela, My, you are busy! Love your yo-yo and wallet and thank you so much for the Partridge in a pear tree ATC. Of all the days, that one has special meaning to my family, and I adore your interpretation!



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