Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Night at the Fair

Here is a copy of my latest post at Free State Quilt Studio:

...just wanted to share a few pictures of my recent evening at our local county fair.  I entered my Do Over Quilt in the "Wall Hanging" quilt class and I won a red ribbon!  That means my little quilt placed second in this category!  

It was fun looking at all the quilts as well as the other exhibits.  It was even fun looking and learning about different farm animals!  Who knew so many different kinds of chickens existed?  My daughter, Charlotte, especially liked getting to feed cookies to this little gal, also named, Charlotte:

We also had fun looking through the NASA exhibit.  We even got to touch a "moon rock!"  Guess who now wants to be an astronaut?

Did I mention the plentiful fair food?  Yes, I had to go there...carrot cake funnel cake with cream cheese icing AND powdered sugar!

We had a great time at the fair.  It really brought back memories of when I was a kid growing up in Northern Iowa.  I was a 4H kid and I can remember entering blueberry bars at the fair, doing a place setting (they still do that by the way), and even showing my miniature schnauzer.  It's neat that even in the city, there is still a small corner of "ruralness" that still gets to shine via the fair every year!

Speaking of Iowa, I am going to be heading there soon to celebrate with my sister.  She is graduating from nursing school!  I made her a quilted wall hanging to match the Birthday Quilt I made for her last year.  I hope she likes it...

I made the heart using the Stitch and Flip method I learned from Jacquie Gering's Improvisational Piecing-Modern Design Craftsy Course.  I used scraps of the same fabric I used for the Birthday Quilt.  I used larger pieces for the back:

I hope you all are having a great summer!  It's going by super fast, so be sure to enjoy every minute of it!


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