Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy Busy

Just a quick note to let you know that I am still alive and well.  I've been so busy with my day job, one kid off to her first year at college, the other back to college to begin her third year, and second grade starting for my little one!  Poor daughter, Alex, must feel left out!  She graduated from college last December, so I don't have to "get her ready" for anything anymore!  Well, I still take care of her...or at least I try!  I'm kind of a helicopter mom if you didn't already know that!  Oh, and there are three new family pets we have acquired...two fish and a Chinese Dwarf Hamster!  Anyway, I have also been working on a few garment sewing projects, including two dresses and a skirt.  I will upload photos as soon as I can.  So, stay tuned!

In case you are wondering, the above image is of a One Armed Paper Hanger.  I remember the day I first heard this saying, "I've been busier than a one armed paper hanger!"  I was 17 and had no idea what that meant.  My English "mom" uttered this saying and I questioned her repeatedly as to it's meaning!  Maybe it was just her accent!  She still teases me about it years later!

Thanks for sticking with this busy gal!  I promise to get by your blogs ASAP!

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  1. So glad you popped in. Wondered where you were....What is a chinese dwarf hamster? Never heard of one. xox

  2. I hope you take pictures of your latest sewing projects!!!! Most schools start Tuesday here, only a few started this past Monday!


  3. I am right there with you! I have a daughter starting her Junior year at college and a little boy starting kindergarten. I thought I was the only one crazy enough to do that :)



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