Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where I Create: Organized...for now.

Guess what?  I've finished cutting, sorting, and organizing my fabric scraps!  Look how clean my work desk is!  The only little pile on my desk is the beginnings of a new project.  More on that later.  First, here are my scrap bins, mostly organized by color.

I've placed my quilt fabric scrap squares in the white bins on the top two shelves.  I've also placed yardage on the second shelf.  On the bottom shelves, I have fabric for bags, purses, and clothes.  Here's a look around my studio.  It's usually not this tidy!

I love it when it is clean and organized!  By the way, all of the furniture in my studio, except the red chair, is from thrift  shops.  The white cabinet with the laminated top is a vintage kitchen cabinet.  It even has a bread drawer!

Now, what project have I started?  Here's a clue; I'm using these:

These are mini charms I won from the The Jolly Jabber, the The Fat Quarter Shop's blog.  The charms are 2.5" and are from the Vintage Modern Collection.  They are adorable!  I can't wait to show you what I'm making with these!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!

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  1. I love how your creative space looks!!!! It is so nice and organized! It looks so awesome! I hope you are having a great summer, Angi!


  2. I love your room.. and the pieces in it.. I don't have one piece of new furniture in my whole house except my TV stand in the living room... I love thrift is already broke in so I can use it up.... cannot wait to see your next project...

  3. Can't wait to see what you will be doing with all those lovely charm packs:)

  4. I love your looks so cozy and nice! The mini charms are great colors...I can't wait to see what you make!! Have a great afternoon!!

  5. Thanks so much for joining in with our linky party! Keep blogging!

  6. Great space! You wouldn't by chance have a Vintage Modern mini charm pack left to sell or trade?
    frillyfroufrouplus2 at hotmail


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