Tuesday, April 26, 2011

If It's Not Baroque, Don't Fix It!

Get ready to dress to impress...May's Dress Up is going for Baroque!  Yep, the artist for May is none other than Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640).  Rubens, a Flemish Baroque painter, is known for his "extravagant style that emphasized movement, color, and sensuality."  He painted landscapes, altar pieces, mythological subjects and portraits.  Think gold, large, heavy fabrics, and lace.

There were some great suggestions, including Japanese art and the works of Gauguin.  Both of which will be themes in the coming months!   There is still time to post any April dresses still out there.  Just click HERE to see the Art Deco dresses and to post yours!

I need to sign off before I start on a rant about the Royal Wedding (I refuse to watch anything about it!), gas prices, and/or how I am not watching American Idol anymore (since Paul was voted off)!

Toodles for now!

Signature for Blog


  1. Oh my... and I struggled with April! Will have to dig deep for the inspiration for this one but can imagine that there will be some stunners!!

  2. I love the baroque period in music. Bach, oh my, I could go on and on! Once my house gets in order I will be able to do some of these things. I actually am excited about the Royal Wedding (must be the celtic in me!) however, gas prices, I could rant on!

    I hope you are having a good day!

  3. I agree about Royal Wedding, I am completely not interested.
    I will have to look at the challenge, how neat. Have a happy week. Kim

  4. I so need to do this one... looks like a fun one... :D

  5. Ooooh, you are going to have fun with this theme! I'll be looking forward to seeing all the designs. And yeah...I won't be watching "the wedding" either... I'd rather sleep! :o)



  6. Oooh, I love a good pun - "if it's not baroque, ..." LOL

    This will be fun! They have all been a lot of fun so far!

    (blush) I'll tape the wedding to watch after work. I admit it, I like to see the dresses and pomp.


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