Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday Wonderisms..And Then There Was....Music

It's Wednesday and that means it is time for Wednesday Wonderisms! Today's wonders revolve around music.  I wonder:

1.  What will the current, Top 40, music be called in 30 years?  I mean we all know what Classic Rock is...Led Zeppelin and The Eagles will always be Classic Rock, so what will we call today's music when it (and we) are 30 years older? 

2.  Why is easy listening music, or "relaxation" music (ocean sounds, rain sounds, etc), actually not at all easy to listen to or relaxing?  I have tried, on numerous occasions, to relax by this music, but I am sure my blood pressure has actually risen during these relaxation attempts.

3.  Justin Beiber.  Really?  I have no idea why he is a big deal.

What are you wondering about?

I am so excited to announce that I am a winner!  Yes, I won Samya's cupcake and apron giveaway!  I totally don't need to be eating any cupcakes, but you only live once right? 

The English Country Garden In Bags Blog
Besides, Christmas is just 'round the corner and the apron is too cute!!  I also won the Hot Potato Pattern at Joy's Quilts!  It is a Valori Wells pattern for this super cute wallet:

I've had my eye on this pattern for awhile now.  I am so thrilled I won it!  The Hot Potato is that I will have the pattern for a month or so and then I will give it away on my blog to a lucky reader!  Sounds fun huh?

Toodles for now!



  1. Love the Valerie Wells pattern. The hot potato thing sounds like a fun thing to do. Thanks for the visit to my blog too. :-)

  2. Hahha LOL I wonder about the goofy Bieber kid myself. Love the apron congrats !

  3. so with you on justin bieber! i thought he was a girl when i first heard him!! he'll be gone before you know it, just a few hit wonder! Well done on your wins!

  4. Justin Beiber, Justin Timberlake....don't really get either one of them! And my hubby thinks that 30 years from now they won't even be listening to our current music!

    And I TOTALLY forgot today was Wednesday. Honestly, I'm going to have to do a lot better about getting my Wednesday Wonderisms going. Sorry about that, Angie!

    And...congrats on your wins. I saw that you had won Samya's give away and gave a big "whoot whoot" for you. And I also saw that "Hot Potato" pattern give away but didn't enter. I will when you give it away, though! :o)



  5. umm I wonder about the music thing. I still can't get used to this decade being called the Noughties !
    What an adorable purse pattern...wish I could sew !


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