Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'm Not Above Begging

So a few days pass and it is summer again in the Midwest!  Besides being hot again, the sky turned wicked this evening and we have been under a tornado warning for the past few hours.  Still, I'd much prefer sitting in my basement with my tennis shoes and helmet* on than shivering trying stay warm while slipping and sliding my way to my ice covered car!  Yes, I'll take tornado weather over winter weather any day!

I hope you have popped over to Jan's site to get a look at my ATC for September's Blissfull ATC Swap.  If not, here it is:
"Leaves" September '10 ATC
September's theme is "Leaves."  I've "spun" this a bit.  Instead of leaves, I placed multiple Leifs on my card.  Leif Ericson, that is.  I've included a poem about Leif written in Norwegian.  On the reverse of the card is the poem translated into English.  I had a lot of fun making this card!  In a nutshell, I printed the poem onto duck canvas and sewed it to a piece of cardboard.  I also sewed "rope" around the edges and "glued" a ship's wheel onto the front.  I printed the images of Leif onto cardstock and then hand colored them.  I then covered the entire card with multiple layers of Mod Podge!  Next month's theme is "Dark."  I already have ideas in mind for this...I can't wait to get started!

Okay, here is where I start begging!  I need your votes for my ATC Holder.  I finally finished my holder today and I need everyone to go to the Blissfull ATC Swap site and and then email the gals there (Wendy and Debbie) at and tell them you are voting for my holder.  Please, Please, pretty please...with sugar on top??!!  Here is my holder:

Front Cover

 First Page (First ATC I received from Wendy at Bliss Angels)

Second Page ("Orange" ATC from Penny at Frosted Petunias)

Third Page ("Leaves" from Jan at Fursdonhouse)
Back Cover

Back Cover Close Up

I made my holder like a scrap book.  I bought a scrap/photo album and then I made a fabric cover for it out of beige canvas.  On the front is a collage I printed onto fabric and then sewn on the canvas.  I made the collage using Photoshop.  I sewed lace on top of the collage and then sewed images representing the three lady artists' sites that I have swapped cards with.  I've also added the image of Debbie's site, Mosaic Magpie, since she is one of the Blissfull ATC hosts.  Plus, I've added my "logo."  Inside the book, I've placed each ATC and written the artist's information next to it.  On the back, I've made a dress out of scrap fabric and I drew the lady with some fabric markers.  I am pretty pleased with how it all turned out.  PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!!  

You may have noticed my header.  Notice the picture inside the television?   Any votes on this header?

Toodles for now!
  *Reference to local weather personality


  1. I like the new header, it's really cute. I think that dress you made for the back cover would look amazing as a real dress too. I'll head over and give you a vote!

  2. You're doing wonderfully with your ATCs - I love the "Leifs"!!

  3. HI Angela! Oh, your new header looks so cute! You're fantastic at this and I love the back and that darling dress!!
    I've finally got up the Bathroom Diva post. Come see.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Hi Angela! I REALLY like this's my favorite so far! And I think your ATC card is so cool. I love your take on "leaves" by using Leifs! Very, very clever. Your holder turned out great, too, and of course I voted for you! I hope you win!!!



  5. Hey Angela-I just got your comment for the Fall Favorites, I'm glad you'll be paticipating in the link party!

    Will you be hosting another Rewind Week soon?

  6. What a take on "leaves"! How interesting. I can tell you try to put a spin on your artwork. Have a blessed day!

  7. I had seen your ATC earlier on your swap partners swap and had commented on the fact the you really knew how to think outside the box and that I admired that.

    I have posted my ATC Holder and My swap partner DEbs ATC as well at my blog If you would like to go and take a peek.

    Take Care and good luck in the challenge~ Sherry

  8. Like the play on the word "leaves."
    I like the entire look of your card - it all goes together so nicely. Crazy about the rope edge - cannot imagine sewing something so small (the older I get the smaller things appear).

  9. Leifs, you should take a trip to Poulsbo WA during beer vest. I think everyone is named Leif for Viking Vest. Great fun. Love your ATC and your ATC holder. I think your a winner.

  10. I love your ATC holder and I cracked up over your "liefs" ... the card is wonderful !



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