Monday, July 19, 2010

My Collection Begins Plus More 1970s Stuff!

Today I recieved my first Artist Trading Card!  My collection of these tiny masterpeices begins!  If you have not heard about them, they are sort of like baseball cards, except they are made by artists to swap with others.  I have joined the Blissfull ATC Swap and have partnered up with Wendy for this first swap month.    Wendy's work is fantastic.  Her blog is full of gorgeous photos of her art.  Check out what she made for me!

  Isn't is beautiful!  I love it!  I mailed Wendy the ATC I made, which, compared to her's is completely amaturish, by hey, it's my first!  When Wendy receives my card, she'll post a photo of it on her blog, so look for it!  Hopefully she'll receive it by Wednesday!  The theme for July's swap is "Sisters."  Next month's theme is "orange."  I guess that means anything orange goes!

Well, I'm sure everyone participating in Rewind Week: 1970s has been busy working on their projects right!  If you haven't signed up to participate, it isn't too late!  There is still time!  I have had a super time reminiscing, going through old photos and talking about those things that stick out in my mind from my childhood.  In a way, the 1970s don't seem that long ago.  On the other hand, it seems like we have "advanced" so far since that time.  For example, think about video games.  Look at Wii and Playstation.  These games are so realistic aren't they?  Now think back to the games in the 1970s.  I remember playing a tennis type game on our ginormous console remote control thank you very much.  I can still remember the sound. Another example of this advancement in our technology is in the kitchen. No, switching from avacado green appliances to sleek stainless steel is not technology, it is just better taste. No, the technology is in the appliances. Remember the "radarange?"
Atari Pong


Retro Renovation

And then, of course, our fashions have advanced.  Well, sort of.  I actually see a lot of people wearing "retro" inspired clothing.  Personally, I find the clothes of this time pretty awful...even more horrendous than the styles of the 1980s!

Vintage Patterns
I am actually really looking forward to doing Rewind Week: 1980s.  I was a child in the 1970s, but I grew up in the 1980s.  I wised up in the 1990s!

Alright, remember to grab your button if you are a participant! 

Toodles for now!


  1. Good grief! I remember making that very dress for myself and entered it in the fair. White crinkle muslin with forest green trim and I had hand embroidered the yoke. What was I thinking? It did get a blue ribbon though. LOL

  2. Oh my gosh, I am laughing so hard! I actually had a dress made from that a raspberry velvet no less with some kind of wide braid ribbon. My aunt made it for me to wear to a Valentine Banquet at our church! I'll have to find the picture...hilarious! (But I thought I looked so good!)




  3. Wendy did a wonderful job on the ATC she sent you. I love the wings on the girls.

  4. I am a new follower and member of the Bloggerette sorority. I am making my rounds to say hello and meet each lovely lady of our new sisterhood. Please visit me @

  5. Angela your pictures from the 1970 are great, I also had a dress like that, black and with embroidery on on the blouse, thanks for visit my blog and for nice comment, and thanks for a wonderful challenge.

  6. What a fabulous ATC you received! I love the composition and color contrasts, so very cool! I am also a first time maker and trader of the ATC, isn't this fun? Looking forward to our next "orange" theme...


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