Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cell Phone Cases, a Purse, a Favicon, a Participant Event, and Badly Dressed "Women." What A Day!

Hello!  I hope everyone (in America) had a great...and safe...holiday weekend!  To those not in the USA, I hope you had a great weekend, too!  I can tell you that my dog is glad the fireworks are over.  He has been petrified since July 1st!  He's finally able to come out from his hiding place under the bed and resume his domination over the cat.  Go get her Wallace!

I accomplished a few sewing related things over the extended weekend.  First, I finished the third, or is it the fourth, cell phone case?  I have been tweaking the design since the first one I made was completely unpractical for me.  My final (I hope) design is the same size, but instead of batting, I used two layers of flannel.  I tried one layer and found this too light weight.  For this final design, I also slipped a piece a stencil plastic in between the layers on the backside in order to stiffen this part of the case.  I used Velcro and sewed both pieces on with invisible thread.  The button is for decorative purposes only.  It serves no function.  I've given the case to a friend who has the same phone as me.  She has been tasked to carry her phone in this case and report back its practicality, etc.  What do you think?  Oh, this time I got the birds going the "right" direction. 

I also got my hands on some of the fabric I bought Friday.  I decided to try Simplicity 2396A Sweet Pea Totes  with the black and red fabric.  I found this pattern was written well and surprisingly easy to follow.  I really like the design of the bag and I love the pleats.  One thing I might change when I do another is to lengthen the straps.  They are a bit short for my taste.  The fabric is delicious. 

I'm very pleased with this bag.  I might have to keep this one for myself!

Have you noticed my favicon?  That's the little image that appears in your open tab or toolbar when you are on a site that has its own unique icon.  Mine is a shrunken version of my profile image.  As I have stated numerous times, I am not a super techno savvy mama.  This favicon was a HUGE accomplishment for me.  I have been working on it for days.  Last night when I clicked and finally saw the image, I nearly jumped out of bed!  I felt like I had won the lotto or something!  Now that I am an expert, I am willing to help any of you who would like their own favicon for their site.  Send me an email and I will let you know how I made mine!

BREAKING NEWS!!  I've got a participant event I am working on.  I'm sorting out some details, but I'll give you a hint...are you a Gen X'er? A Babyboomer? Do you still wear your favorite Chic jeans from the 80's?  Do you drool over Audry Hepburn fashion?  Mull over these questions and come back for the reveal!  I hope to post the details in the next day or two!

Okay, one last thing....I saw these "people" today as I walked into work.  I say people because I'm not quite sure if they are horribly dressed women or men in ugly women diguises...Happy Birthday America!  Only here can you walk down the street in slippers, rollars, and outfits like these!

Toodles for now!


  1. Oooo - I love the purse! I've not come across this pattern before. I must add it to my 'look out for' list. Those badly dressed women made me laugh - aren't they funny?!

  2. I think your cell phone case turned out cute, Angela. I love those little birdies! And that bag is gorgeous - (I follow her blog and have visited her Etsy shop, but haven't bought anything.) - you did a great job on it!

    Is it hard to make one of those Favicons? That's pretty cool. Maybe you could give me some pointers...and maybe you could tell me how to make my own button for my blog? I'm computer stupid! LOL!!!

    Honestly, those two badly dressed "women" really look like men in drag...don't you think? If they're not, then I really feel sorry for them!



  3. Hi angela I love your botton or favicon ,you are an expert I would like to know ,but then write it down now that it is fresh in your mind and send it to me I might give it a try ,I love your creations for the cell phone,and for the photo on your way to work ,where do you live?? I used to live in california and I often saw similar the lady in the rollers looked at you as you were taking the photo LOL , take care I love your writting style by the way.

  4. Hi angela I got your botton on my blogg I am not so swift with the computer, it took me a couple of tries I thouroghly enjoy your blog . take care


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