Saturday, February 27, 2010

Grommets: Not as easy at it seems

Okay, I was hoping to complete my grommet bag by the end of the weekend....I have decided to scrap the whole thing and start over...maybe I should actually get a pattern??? Just a thought. After wasting half of the package of grommets, I figured out how to install them in the bag fabric edges, sort of. I then continued sewing the bag. By the way, I used thick sew in fleece interfacing for the first time. I sewed the velcro pieces on the outside of the bag fabric as well as on the underside of the flap fabric. I basted (I never do this) the flap to the bag and made sure the velcro lined did. Yeah. Then, when I pinned the lining and the outer bag together, I realized the biggie...I didn't insert the grommets into the lining...just the outer bag and interfacing!!! What the **@!

As promised in an earlier post, however, I did complete Nancy's adjustable straps using fabric slides. I watched the video again and I successfully made adjustable straps. Since this was basically for practice since I have now decided against the bag, I didn't freak out when I realized that I followed Nancy's instructions too closely. 36" strips turn out to be 18" straps when they are done. This is way too short. Well, I've got the concept down now, so I should be able to make them whatever size I want. I've posted some photos. I will definitely try this one again on another bag.

On a happy note, I managed to sneak into my fave fabric store today. I picked up the most delicious yard. I've been eyeing this Anna Maria Horner fabric ever since I first saw it. I have no idea what I will make with it, but it doesn't matter. I just love it. I posted a photo of it. It is from Drawing Room. Isn't is gorgeous?
On another note...I want to apologize to my daughter. I'm sorry. I'm really going to try not to be such a helicopter mom...this time I mean it. I love you.

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